Yes, we’re a day early. I was nearing completion on a post completely unrelated to the holidays when I realized the timing. Instead, I just want to simply take the time to thank you all for being “here”.
I know “here” likely means hunched over a smartphone in a bathroom stall (wash your hands!). Or perhaps it means a new tab on your web browser when you hit a tiny snag at work. Either way, we’re grateful that you’ve chosen to be unproductive with us.
Consider this our digital ____________ (fill in holiday of choice) card.

Clipping Chains to Date
I started writing behind the scenes for this project in early September, and made the site live a few weeks later. I very reluctantly blast-emailed a good number of folks to announce the launch, both trusted friends, family, and even a few borderline strangers. Some immediately wrote back with enthusiasm and support, and a good many I’ve never heard from since. Maybe you’re lurking out there, and I thank you for your lurk. It’s ok to be dubious.
This project is not easy, but it’s so rewarding. I’m happy to rise at 4:30-5:00 am to write, edit, or search for photos before work. My (rest day) Saturdays outside or working around the house have been largely replaced with a rounded back, a forward posture, and more computer time. My God, the computer time.
But the flipside is that writing about this stuff is forcing us to refine our message, to understand our plan, and engage others in a way that allows them to read and digest on their own time. This message in its entirety is not for everyone, but I hope there are at least a few nuggets for all to enjoy.
This little thing is slowly growing. I’m thrilled at the discussions I’m having with folks who have been inspired to start their journey, to revisit, or to double-down on what they’ve already started. I’m amazed to see emails and subscriptions from complete strangers. I don’t know who you are, but thank you.
I’m humbled to interview big names in the climbing community, and I’m grateful that they are enthusiastically willing to share their story and help us share ours. Thank you. And yes, there are more on the way.
It’s so good to create again. Really, until I landed in a corporate job eight years ago, I spent a good bit of both my professional and personal time creating. I’ve always been bent on making things — art, video, music, food — really until the day that I walked into those fluorescent-lit hallways in Houston, TX. My time for creativity was replaced with a real job, and more fortunately, my growing obsession for rock climbing.
US: The CC’s
I want to apologize for the confusion. I bounce back and forth between “I” and “we”. For clarity, Mr. CC (me) does the writing around these parts. I’ve given myself the title of Chief Lifestyle Correspondent. Mrs. CC carries two important jobs over here, acting in tandem as both Editor in Chief and President of Graphic Design. When a post isn’t doing well, she also takes on the challenging role of Counseling Psychologist. We’re glad to have her. Snickers, as she is known here, does nothing of any value. However, she is a source of photos that don’t require emojis, and she’s pretty fun. Aside from our genetic diversion, we have a remarkable amount in common. Stay tuned for more on her.
Today and 2019
For today, I’d like to wish a Happy Birthday to Father Chains. That’s my dad, not a priest. Even after 71 years around the sun, he will roundhouse your face if you back him in a corner. Well done! Apologies once again for having a birthday on Christmas Eve. Pros and cons, pros and cons.
2019 will hopefully start with a bang for us, as we travel to Mallorca, Spain in late January. We’ve discussed a bit about this trip and how we’ve financed it here. I’ll try and hustle to have some posts ready to go while we’re away, but no promises there.
I’m going to continue featuring folks within the climbing community who live these oh-so-interesting lives. I never had any ambitions to do these interviews, but people seem to like them. Check out The Interview Series for what’s been done to date.
What do you guys want to hear? What subject matter is of interest out there? How can we improve? Drop a comment or shoot us an email. We’ll keep the light on for ya.
The Market
I’ll add one quick note on the December stock market. It’s terrible! But there’s nothing to worry about, right? You’ve known this would come, and you’ve planned for it. Jim Collins has a way of soothing the soul, so take it from Jim. He really is the Bob Marley of stock market investing. Every little thing is going to be all right.
Now Get Along
Thanks for reading, but run along and enjoy your time with friends and family.
Hopefully your dr-uncle hasn’t ruined Christmas yet with a whiskey-fueled gun control manifesto. May your holiday season be free of unexpected high school “reunions”, and may your local TSA agents be merry, bright, and thorough…yet fair.
Happy Holidays!