Well folks, I have a confession. After two+ years of posting here every single Monday, trying to keep a weekly schedule on this website is starting to be draining, for reasons I’ll discuss below. But I have a request of you. Please read on to see some of my thoughts and ideas on how to make this a better resource.

A Request: Too Much of the Same Thing?
I want to take a second here to be blunt with you. I feel like I’m regurgitating a lot of the same talking points across various posts, week after week. As I’ve always said, getting the money part dialed is frankly easy with some knowledge and intentionality, which can enhance the margin between money in and money out. There’s not that many nuanced complications involved in saving more and investing those savings in a broad-based index fund. Once you are consistently saving more and investing those savings, you will almost certainly build lasting wealth. Am I being too flippant?
I’m honestly at a point where I’m conflicted on how to progress this website. I know a bunch of you might be signing up for tips and tricks on how to save and invest. There aren’t that many hacks, and I’ve probably written about them five times over, at least. I’ve posted every single week for over two years. I’m considering cutting back on that schedule significantly, but you know how I am about a schedule.

Themes I Enjoy Discussing
The most fascinating aspect of this journey to me is not the wealth aggregation phase, but the “after” phase. Perhaps not coincidentally, it’s the phase I’m now in.
What are we supposed to do with this great gift of financial independence?
If you’ve been lurking around these pages for a while, you have perhaps picked up on my incessant themes of contentment and happiness. How do we build our best life? What are the required elements of contentment? Hint: It’s more than a high net worth or a great 8a.nu pyramid.
I don’t believe, and never really have, that quitting my job to go travel and adventure will create lasting happiness. Yet, here I am, doing just that! This period of my life is a good phase as part of a longer journey, but this too is unsustainable for almost anyone.
I find it fascinating to consider the balance of adventure, hard (and deep) work, psychological challenges, and building community. All of this is obviously facilitated by a strong financial position, a topic I discussed in last week’s post on contentment.
The Origins of Clipping Chains
I started this website because I thought that climbers were ripe and hungry for information on how to build financial security, and perhaps full financial independence. Here’s the post that started it all.
Climbers love freedom, but I sensed a growing imbalance in pursuing happiness, propagated strongly through climbing magazines and social media, in particular. Quit your job, climb, and you will be happy forever.
Fortunately (or unfortunately) for all of us, life is much richer than that. So, I’ve always viewed this website as somewhere where I could muse on a slice of that decadent, rich chocolate torte and espresso that is our lives. However, I also want to be a resource. I realize many readers in this space are early in their careers or financial journeys. You probably don’t care much about what to do with financial independence, because you can hardly imagine it to begin with! I understand that notion, and I felt the same way years ago.

A Request of You
So, I have a request: what content do you want?
Do you need help saving money?
My hunch from interactions with some of you is that tips on saving money aren’t really the issue. I always suspected that climbers were a frugal bunch, and so far, that assumption seems to be holding. Am I wrong?
Do you need help investing?
I still see a transition to investing to be the biggest hurdle for most folks. Do you need technical information on how to do it? Or is the burden still a psychological one? Do you view investing with contempt?
I believe that a large portion of Americans still view the stock market as a slimy affair, where Wall Street Fat Cats and overpaid CEOs rub elbows and whip wet towels in the locker room. I’m trying to change that. Saving 50% of your income won’t help much if you can’t get the compound snowball rolling.
Is there anything about the layout of this website that could be more helpful in finding what’s already there?
How About Podcast Interviews?
I’m also debating turning the interviews into a podcast format. Do you guys prefer the long-format podcasts, or do you like written interviews? I’ve always been a fan of the written word, but I realize that podcasts have the advantage of packing much more content into an easily digestible format. For a sense of what that might be like, you can hear me ramble over at The Nugget or the Power Company Podcast. For something more along the lines of the Financial Independence community, I’ve also appeared on the Financial Independence Forum Podcast.
What Else?
Is there anything about life and the pursuit of financial independence that just doesn’t make sense? Do you really want to rant at me about something? Please do! I love feedback, good or bad.
Until Next Time
So, please, let me know in the comments below or direct with my Contact Page how I can use this platform to help you achieve your goals. My hope is that, with a renewed focus and perhaps a bit more breathing room between posts, I can make this website far more meaningful for us all. Seriously, I can’t thank you all enough for making this so damn fun.
Oh yeah, put this down and vote!
Best wishes,
Mr. CC
Remember, the best laid plans mean nothing if you can’t take action today. Have questions? Need some feedback? Hit us up on the Contact page.
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Thanks guys, see you soon.
Brainstorming ideas:
1. It’s a long road, how do you remain committed for the long haul/overcome hurdles/maintain motivation along the way.
2. The holidays–how do you make the decision on what to spend?
3. How do you overcome discrepancies on what’s best for FI within a marriage?
4. How do you motivate your partner to get on board?
I’ll send more if I think of any.
Thanks for this!
Also a climber who FI’d. Interested in life after FI and contentment. We have a lot in common! Currently living in a van with my wife in Joe’s Valley, and considering places to live after van life
Thanks for this Kevin, and I’m glad to see there are some others out there doing this thing!
I’d be psyched on a podcast format of this blog overall!!! (Not just interviews, like you talking and giving quick overviews and tips)
Interesting, and thanks! People still seem to be more old fashioned than I thought, still preferring to read. But this is a good endorsement for a podcast.
I’m also FIREd, and haven’t been a climber in a long time; we are into hiking now. I mostly want post-FI content articles. I’m always looking at how others do the FI part, and most of the content is before retirement, since many people seem to back off their blogs once they retire. I’ve really enjoyed following your journey. You have a nice outdoors focused approach that helps me look at different possibilities.
I appreciate this Sharon. Apparently the post-FI life material is in high demand!
I liked the scheduling/daily habits posts, and the van life and rent vs buy posts.
Some ideas:
-Any experience with other tools besides excel? For planning or tracking
-Automated (robo) investing vs Vanguard. Also the moral basis for avoiding certain companies or types of funds
-Why 401k if ‘retire’ comes before 65? I thought is was discouraged to take money out early
-Other strategies about maximizing time-off or travel ‘hacks’.
-How to balance job that pays but is no fun, how long to keep a certain job
-Interviews with anyone
-Interviews about remote jobs that aren’t tech. There must be some.
-I second the partner coordination for FI mentioned above
-I haven’t gotten into podcasts, but maybe
-The travel and ‘how’s it going’ posts are good. Impressions of places and what sucks about the routine/irregular schedule
Fantastic Nick, these are great suggestions.