I’ve finally caved. I’m happy to announce that I’ve been busy building a podcast as an extension of this website.
Welcome to the new and (hopefully) improved Clipping Chains platform. Will you join me?
A Love for Writing
First off, I want to reiterate how dedicated I am to the written word. With our world slowly being distilled down to YouTube clips, pretty pictures (or increasingly annoying “Reels”) on Instagram, and 280 characters on Twitter, we begin to lose our rich gray scale and settle for lots of black and white. Attention spans shrink, and no one seems to have the time or willingness to sit back and read a long-form essay on a subject.
I truly am myself when I can ram in a set of earbuds, mantle out an Aeropress, turn on the “Peaceful Piano” channel on Spotify (you are very welcome), and write each morning about topics that capture my imagination. And the truth is, most of it will never see the light of day.
The Restriction of Theme
But it hasn’t always been easy. The honest truth is that I sometimes feel I’ve pigeonholed myself by sticking to the subjects of personal finance and rock climbing. I’ve resisted suggestions to broaden this platform for reasons I can’t clearly elucidate. Climbers are my tribe, and I want to help. But boy, did I pick a weird niche!
I’ve long ago lost the love for writing about how to max out a 401(k). To be clear, these things are incredibly important, but the end is far more important than the means. And as I’m slowly discovering despite “knowing” it all along, the end is merely another beginning.
When I started this website, I could hardly keep from writing. I had so much to say. Hundreds upon thousands of words flowed from cranium to fingertips.
Now, as Monday approaches each week, I find myself anxious, staring at a blank Word document. Sometimes I claw something together that doesn’t meet my expectations, and that is simply no longer acceptable. There’s no scarcity when it comes to love for writing, but I’m going to be more selective on what makes it out here in the written form.

Podcast: Broaden the Means of Delivery
I’ve come to a crossroads with this project and I’m looking to at least broaden the means of delivery. One problem with writing is that it keeps me alone, in my own little world. If there’s one thing I’ve discovered is missing in my life (and perhaps society writ large), it’s a stronger sense of community. Written interviews still leave a sense of distance between two people, whereas a real conversation forces a connection. Plus, let’s face it: interviews are simply better in podcast format.
What This Podcast Is and Isn’t
My hope is to use the podcast platform as a way to at least occasionally sit across the room from someone and talk about life. That may include discussions of money and career, but it might not. This also won’t be a typical climbing podcast. I’m not going to ask about hangboard protocols, nutrient timing, or trip summaries. All those discussions have their place (and I’m certainly a fan-boy for that stuff), but I’m more interested in why.
Why is someone driven to train twice daily?
Why do we need the mountains and the deserts?
What is the motivation behind our decisions, our beliefs, and most importantly, our actions or lack thereof?
I’m also experimenting with using the podcast as a means to dive deeper into a written post, with or without a guest. I’ve already recorded one of these solo episodes, but I’m not sure how comfortable I am with hearing only myself talk. I’ll let you guys be the judge.
Timing on Podcast
I’m hoping to release the first episode of the podcast in one to three weeks. Why so vague? Well, I’m told that Apple Podcasts (the Queen Bee) can take up to several weeks to approve new podcasts. I’ll have at least one episode ready in the coming days, but then it’s a hurry-up-and-wait game for Mother Apple to approve the new show.
Your Feedback Please?
First off, I’ve assumed that readers are at least 50% climbers. Despite the myriad analytical tools behind website traffic, Google hasn’t (yet) figured out how to tell me if you are a climber or not.
Also, I’m very curious as to whether readers really want financial advice, or if you are here for some other reason. When you gave me feedback before, I was surprised to find that many of you wanted more of “the life” stories far more than financial advice. That’s refreshing, but I also want to pepper in the means occasionally, if that’s what people need.
Would you consider taking an extremely short survey to help appropriately tailor the subject matter of this website? This will take approximately one minute of your day to complete. Please?!
If you have any other feedback, which I’d greatly appreciate, would you consider dropping a quick note on the contact page?
As always, and I don’t say it enough, I thank you all so very much. Without your support, I’d just sit around and pick my nose all day.
Affiliate links are used on this page. If you choose to purchase a linked product, you will incur no extra charges, but we will receive a tiny-baby portion of the sale. Those very small proceeds help us keep the digital lights on around here. We wouldn’t link to a product we wouldn’t buy ourselves. Tis all!
Those of us who don’t live in the Appleverse sometimes have trouble finding new podcasts on our Android podcast apps, mine is Beyondpod. When your’s becomes live can you put a subscribe link on your blog so we can link to it with our Android app of choice? It will get you a bigger audience too.
Will do, thanks!