EP 2: Value Spending: A Damn Good Start

In this podcast episode, it’s just little ole’ me. Today we begin where financial strength nearly always begins: with value spending. Here we discover why value spending habits, not unsustainable frugality, really impact the bottom line.

In this episode we cover:

  • The Pareto Principle and how to apply to personal finances
  • Identifying our spending “weaknesses”
  • “The Big Three” spending categories and cost saving solutions
  • Help with one-off expenses and compulsive spending
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EP 1 🎙: Mike Tritt: Rocking in the Free World

Today I’m very happy to bring you a live, in-the-flesh interview with Mike Tritt, a Denver-based climber who achieved financial independence and retired from his mechanical engineering job at age 35.

Mike now climbs full-time and supports his fiancée Suzanna in her career, which she has chosen to continue pursuing. In this interview we discuss how Mike juggled climbing with a career and then walked away from mandatory work in his 30s. We address how Mike is striking a balance between a home-based relationship and the desire for long trips on the road. Finally, we take on the subject of purpose in life without traditional work. Plus, so much more!

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Housing Affordability: This Isn’t Normal

I want to check back in on a topic near and dear to many: housing affordability. We’ve witnessed soaring real estate prices nationwide, with many cities exceeding a 20% year-over-year growth in sales prices of homes. Is income growth keeping up? For those looking to get into the housing market for the first time, can you expect better future prices or less competition?

Well, let’s see…

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The Happiness Curve: Beware of Expectations

The grass is always greener on the other side. No truer words were ever uttered. Get it? Utter? Cows? Grass? Anyway, it’s our expectations that lead us in search of new experiences, but do they always pay off?

This concept of something better on the horizon has governed my existence for as long as I can recall. Under the constant glare of incandescent lights in a corporate office, I dreamed of selling my house and living on the road. But once I was living that reality, I discovered the very real contrasts of life on the road that I already knew existed.

When I was surrounded by all the nature, I just really wanted to lay on my living room rug with air conditioning, a lacrosse ball under my lower back, watching The Great British Baking Show.

It didn’t take long for us to decide that some sort of hybrid life was our best option. We opted to buy a house in St. George, Utah, intent on nesting here for the majority of the year, like Roland’s Rock House. For the rest of the year, particularly the hateful summer, we planned to travel and perhaps rent out our home.

So, how is that going?

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Why Trying to Quit My Job (Sort of) Made It Better

It’s been almost exactly 18 months since I quit my job and watched the last corporate world elevator close behind me.

Reflecting on that time, it’s clear that my best career years—those defined by rewarding assignments, autonomy, increased paid time off, and better work/life balance—all came after I knew I was going to leave. Weird, huh?

How can we explain this paradox, and do we even need the drastic measures of financial independence to improve our work life?

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Should I Quit My Job? I Want to Climb!

“Should I Quit My Job for Climbing?”

I get some form of this question from time to time.

“Hi Mr. CC. I really don’t like my job and I think I’ve saved enough for a road trip. What do you think about leaving this job and traveling for a year or more? Will an extended road trip hurt my finances?”

Well…let’s take a look.

Continue reading “Should I Quit My Job? I Want to Climb!”