I Was Really Fat Until I Fixed It


There was a time when I was fat. 

Not “athlete fat,” where you’d like to drop five or ten pounds — I’m talking about obese. 

As I write this, I weigh 148 pounds. In Peak Blubber days, circa 2001 (age 17), I weighed approximately 240 pounds. And there was no muscle to speak of.

Over a 10-15 year period, I eradicated nearly 100 pounds of excess mass from my body — and along with it— the shame, disgust, and self-loathing from my mind. 

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Examine the Routine: The Mindset

Examine the Routine PROMO

The mind, and therefore our outlook on life, is instrumental in forming our habits. The modern world often forces us in to a routine, some of which are important — say, brushing our teeth. But in a world where technology and automation free up increasingly more hours of the day, our down-time routines make or break our potential for learning and growth.

Let’s imagine two different potential routines. Each routine represents the post-work activities of a young professional.

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Digital Minimalism: Give Me Back My Brain

We’ve all seen the dramatic shift to mobile technology in the last decade. This explosion of digital information is making us freaks and zombies. I’ve just finished reading Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World by Cal Newport. The message here to get back our brain is so important that I started writing this post before I even finished the book. And I’ll be the first say: I struggle to optimize my digital life. So, I come to you humble and broken from my own digital beat-down.

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Ego and Mastery: Looking Good vs Being Good

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From the way we dress, the content we put on social media, to even the routes we climb, our ego often runs the show. To pursue mastery of any sort, a high level of discomfort is required, usually in spite of the ego’s desire for pedestal-worthy achievement. I’ve had a slow and steady awakening over the past few years, allowing me to begin to see just how much my ego is in control. (Cliff Notes: a lot).

Let’s start with a climbing example, but hang in there non-climbers (PUN)!

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But I Don’t Want to Be Frugal

You’ve read a bit about financial independence, and perhaps your interest is piqued. But the more you read, the more you see a potential life of deprivation. People are saving 50-70% of their income, but they won’t buy a coffee! You know damn well that Sally enjoys eating out, but now she just stays at home with her spreadsheets and swears she’s happy. That doesn’t seem like much of a life, huh? Well, I agree. Let’s investigate whether being frugal is overhyped.

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Job Security: Our Catalyst to Financial Independence

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There are many reasons why people choose to pursue financial independence. And then of course, financial independence isn’t for everyone. Some folks experience discontent in their jobs, some want to spend more time with their children, and some want a life of international slow-travel across the globe. The list goes on. For us, this journey started as one of financial security during times of limited job security. In this post, we’ll examine the catalyst that made us re-tool our financial situation, and we’ll also explore why job security is virtually non-existent in the modern world.

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