Thinkers and philosophers of ancient times sorted out much in the way of living a meaningful and purposeful life. But after thousands of years of progress, material growth, and convenience, we largely fail to find meaning in our modern lives. Today we examine the philosophy of eudaimonia and how we can truly develop our sense of meaning and purpose (for free).
Continue reading “Eudaimonia: Key Pillars of the Meaningful Life”Three Important Myths on Delaying a Career
A combination of economic and cultural influences are propelling the trend of delayed adulthood. Through low-commitment job grazing, one can pursue recreational pursuits into the years previously occupied by traditional adult responsibilities: marriage, careers, parenting, and even home ownership.
Some might say YOLO. Life isn’t as short as we think, but our ability to get ahead might be.
Continue reading “Three Important Myths on Delaying a Career”The Anticipation Of The Thing Is Greater Than The Thing
We are prone to believing that outcomes will have stronger emotional impacts on us than they often do. This state of expectation, or impact bias, highlights why anticipation of an event is a much more palpable emotion than the event itself. The impact bias can lead to behaviors that make us less content despite our best efforts for happiness.
Let’s learn more about how to recognize this bias and make better decisions for our future.
Continue reading “The Anticipation Of The Thing Is Greater Than The Thing”It’s Not All Hard Luck with Shay Skinner
In her late teens and early twenties, Shay Skinner was disowned from her family. She struggled with crushing mental illness, which ultimately culminated in a suicide attempt that left her in financial ruin. From this dismal situation, Shay filed for bankruptcy and began a long and fruitful climb toward being whole again. How can we summon the courage to take such measures of personal accountability?
Continue reading “It’s Not All Hard Luck with Shay Skinner”Can The 4% Rule Actually Work For Early Retirement?
The 4% rule suggests that a retiree who withdraws no more than 4% of their portfolio each year could have provided for a 30-year retirement window during most historical retirement windows. And that is true! The problem is that the FIRE community, however, perpetuates at least two misconceptions when discussing the 4% rule. Today, we address those common misconceptions about utilizing investment income. And, most importantly, we discuss how to use a flexible withdrawal strategy to weather bear markets and/or reduced future returns.
Continue reading “Can The 4% Rule Actually Work For Early Retirement?”QA8: What If We Run Out of Water?
We’re back to the digital mailbag to answer your questions!
For this week:
- Thoughts on the bear market
- Getting invested with a Health Savings Account
- Paying for education with retirement accounts
- My philosophy on rest from climbing
- How to develop financial mentorship in the climbing community
- Travel and rescue insurance ideas
- Determining a cost-effective approach to climbing destinations
- Should I open an IRA if my employer doesn’t offer a 401(k) match?
- How to not get wrecked moving from sport climbing or bouldering to trad climbing
- The risks of owning property in an area that could be running out of water
- Getting a home loan with inconsistent income history
From Squamish, With Love
This is the second part in a travel series about our seven-week trip to Squamish and back. To read part one, start here.
Continue reading “From Squamish, With Love”Earning to Buy Time with Meghan and Jeff (A Way to FI)
Today’s guests on episode 44 are Meghan and Jeff, two Colorado climbers who are at very different positions on the spectrum of financial independence. Jeff achieved financial independence along with his wife, Rose, over four years ago. Meghan, along with her husband, were inspired to get serious about their personal finances after meeting and learning from Jeff and Rose. Jeff and Meghan now write about their experiences and learnings at
Today we discuss their different origin stories, long-term goals, and shed some light on the fraught balance between work, money, family, and the seemingly elusive control of our time.
Continue reading “Earning to Buy Time with Meghan and Jeff (A Way to FI)”The Long Way to Squamish
I’ve journaled on-and-off for various periods of my life, but I was never a “regular contributor” until this past year. Switching from a form of writing meant for public consumption (this website) to something solely for me was at first awkward and revealing. Isn’t so much of what we do meant for someone else?
What follows is a selection of modified journal entries from the first phase of our recent trip to Squamish. These posts capture affectionate, curious, and questionable observations from the long road between Utah and British Columbia.
Continue reading “The Long Way to Squamish”Chris Weidner: Something More To The Story
Today on episode 43 I’m happy to have Chris Weidner, a long-time Colorado Front Range local, writer, husband, and father. This conversation is special to me for unexpected reasons. I hoped to interview Chris about his career as a writer, but what emerged was something far more interesting, and admittedly, brave on Chris’s part as it relates to career and finances. Chris is shockingly frank in many aspects of this conversation in ways I couldn’t have imagined. I really thank him for that, and I hope you will enjoy this truly fascinating discussion about his life, climbing, family, and career.
Continue reading “Chris Weidner: Something More To The Story”