Lately: Is Hope Really in the Air?

Life has been good lately, which I correlate with the general sense of hope in the air. I thought this week would be a good opportunity to just check in and talk about life, and uncomfortably for me, my own climbing. After all, aren’t we pursuing financial wellness as part of a broader plan for a life well lived? What is that, anyway? And have we struck the balance lately?

Let’s see.

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Obsession and Performance Don’t Always Mix

This website certainly should fall more in the “personal finance” category than any sort of typical rock climbing website. But I will remind you that I’ve carried a full-tilt obsession with climbing for over nine years. So good.

My number one goal for nearly a decade has been to be a better climber than yesterday. And in doing so, I’ve kinda/sorta/accidentally wrapped my self-worth into a sticky web of climbing performance, often to my own detriment. But in the last year I’ve found a balance, taken a step back, and incidentally improved my performance. Just dumb luck? I don’t think so.

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