Peter Beal: Can You Afford to Be Sponsored?

Today on episode 39 I’m pleased to welcome long-time climber and Front Range local Peter Beal. Peter, at age 58, has been climbing for over 45 years, with notable achievements including multiple 5.14 first ascents and bagging V12 in his late forties!  But Peter is also known for his critical takes on the culture of outdoor life. Today we discuss some of the realities of meaningful work, family life, and the potential opportunity costs of a life of adventure.

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Why Trying to Quit My Job (Sort of) Made It Better

It’s been almost exactly 18 months since I quit my job and watched the last corporate world elevator close behind me.

Reflecting on that time, it’s clear that my best career years—those defined by rewarding assignments, autonomy, increased paid time off, and better work/life balance—all came after I knew I was going to leave. Weird, huh?

How can we explain this paradox, and do we even need the drastic measures of financial independence to improve our work life?

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BREAKING: I (Sort Of) Quit My Job

WHOOAA!! Yes, it’s true. By the time you are reading this, I have finished my last day in Corporate America, facing an uncertain future. We have achieved financial independence, perhaps reaching a new pinnacle of unrelatability. I have no job, and I have no plans for a job. The story of how this came to be is both planned and not, but either way, I’m incredibly excited for what is to come. So, how did we get to this point?

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