Can The 4% Rule Actually Work For Early Retirement?

The 4% rule suggests that a retiree who withdraws no more than 4% of their portfolio each year could have provided for a 30-year retirement window during most historical retirement windows. And that is true! The problem is that the FIRE community, however, perpetuates at least two misconceptions when discussing the 4% rule. Today, we address those common misconceptions about utilizing investment income. And, most importantly, we discuss how to use a flexible withdrawal strategy to weather bear markets and/or reduced future returns.

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The Long Approach to Being Scared of Investing

The long approach mentality is required to last as an investor. But first a story:

Everybodddy…! Yeahhh-ahhh! Rock your bodddyyy! Yeahhh-ahhh!

These were the lyrics absolutely shaking the walls of the Mercat de l’Olivar fish market in Palma, Mallorca as the mid-day closing time approached. The vendors were busy packing up product, mopping, and wiping down metal countertops in a cool and expansive room, rich with the briny, iodine smells of the sea and the thumping sounds of late-90s Backstreet Boys hits.

And oddly enough, hearing a 1997 boy band hit in 2019 left me thinking about staying power and the long approach. Tell em, boys.

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Lee Cujes: Super Psyched on the Long Game

Lee Cujes: Super Psyched on the Long Game

This week I’m thrilled to bring you an interview with a pinch of international spice and flavor. Please welcome to the site, the legendary Australian climber Lee Cujes.

In this interview we take a hard look at the long-term aspects of finding a balance on career, lifestyle, relationships, nails-hard climbing, and future prosperity. Lee graciously shares with us how he was able to carve a career niche while climbing at an elite level, how he and his wife Sam made the big move out of the city to a small climbing mecca in the Blue Mountains, and how Lee has used the same, boring and lazy-ass methods of passive investing to build an enduring path to financial freedom. And during some of his darkest days, Lee and Sam embarked on an incredible global climbing trip. Yeah, let’s discuss that too.

Shall we?

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You Know A Recession is Coming, Right?

A year ago, in December 2018, I wrote two posts concerning the “imminent” recession: Five Ways to Recession-Proof Your Life and Keeping the “Safe” in Safe Withdrawal Rate. Well, a year has come and gone, and as I write this in December 2019, we are at yet another all-time high in the stock market. America’s longest bull market continues gouging ahead like those fiery beasts in the narrow streets of Pamplona, Spain.

Is this time different?

For those of you out there beginning any sort of retirement (early or not), is your timing perfect or incredibly unfortunate?

How about if you are wondering if now is the best (or worst) time to start investing?

Let’s have a look…

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Five Ways to Recession-Proof Your Life

Market volatility and the potential for a recession is what gives the stock market a bad name, right? No silly, as we’ve discussed here, it’s really the investor’s psychology that gives the market a bad name. Because the market always goes up…eventually.

With the recent market volatility we’ve been seeing in late 2018, it feels timely to discuss the impacts of a recession on someone living off their investments. Even if you care zero about financial independence and investing, a recession could mean an abrupt cessation of your paycheck. Let’s strap on bullet-proof vests together!

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