Four Years of Financial Independence: The Slow Growth

For four years I’ve watched something slowly bloom. In my old life, the “before time” you might call it, I moved from task to task. If I wasn’t working, I unknowingly made a practice of turning recreational or hobbyist pursuits into something that, from an outsider’s perspective, looked an awful lot like work. Goals and accolades were everything, and the more quantifiable, the better. But the farther I’ve separated myself from this life in space and time, the more clarity I’ve gained. 

Grasping for metaphors, I was tempted to explain this budding awareness as a slowly growing flower. But for perhaps all the wrong reasons, I hesitated to describe my growth and awareness as floral, preferring to drop the metaphor. But I can’t quite shake it, because I have watched something slowly grow. It’s not me that has bloomed–again, all the wrong imagery–but it is the world I could not see then. I could not see the flawed logic buried in the cold and wet earth because I identified with it. It was my life, so I could not reject what protected me. And four years later I’ve watched something slowly take root.

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QA12: Will A Life Of Financial Independence Meet Expectations?

We’re back to the digital mailbag to answer your questions!

For this week:

  • An update on markets and our personal finance situation
  • The role of dividends in growth and withdrawal assumptions
  • Expectations vs reality on a life of financial independence
  • Our experience with health insurance without employer-sponsored plans
  • Real estate investing: an update on our experiences and economics as remote landlords
  • Health insurance considerations for long-term travel
  • Short- to medium-term savings goals (like a house) versus saving for retirement
  • Loss of purpose without a traditional job
  • So much more!
Continue reading “QA12: Will A Life Of Financial Independence Meet Expectations?”

Facing the Rest of the World with a Nontraditional Lifestyle

When I left my corporate career in early 2020, I didn’t fully understand the ways that I would, in later years, slowly become decoupled and desynchronized from a society that values hustle, status, and self-worth generated to a large degree around our career titles. You’ll read the same thing repeatedly on the internet: Ignore the haters, do your thing.

But when I actually sit down and talk with those who are living a similar nontraditional lifestyle, regardless of their financial position, I find that the tidy internet talking points leave many of us dissatisfied. After all, humans are one of the most social species on the planet. We shouldn’t be surprised by the difficulty in overriding instinct, to go against the grain of what the herd values most. My thinking has evolved dramatically on this subject in recent years, so let’s dig in.

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QA11: Laying It Out in Simple Terms

We’re back to the digital mailbag to answer your questions!

For this week:

  • How has my lifestyle evolved since achieving financial independence and how do I spend my time?
  • Updated thoughts on money and markets
  • Are we putting too much faith in institutions like Vanguard?
  • Can and should life insurance policies be used for retirement savings?
  • Tax avoidance versus accepting higher tax rates
  • What is a Simple IRA and how does it differ from a 401(k)? Can I still do Roth conversions?
  • Savings rates are great! Should I pay less on my loans to maximize my savings?
  • Big picture: Where do I start on getting my financial life together?
  • Outreach and presentations
  • So much more!
Continue reading “QA11: Laying It Out in Simple Terms”

Jeff and Priti Wright: You Might Need a Sabbatical

Today on episode 64 I’m excited to welcome Priti and Jeff Wright, two accomplished young professional alpinists from Seattle, WA. In 2020, Priti, a software developer, and Jeff, a mechanical engineer at Boeing, embarked on a year-long sabbatical to travel across the globe and climb alpine objectives in Patagonia, France, and Pakistan, finishing by the beach in Hawaii.

The trip was wildly successful, even amid the raging pandemic, including ascents of the Cerro Torre, the six classic North Faces of the Alps in a single season (including the Eiger North Face in winter), culminating in the first ascent of K6 Central and the third ascent of K6 West—both 7000+-meter peaks—in the Karakoram Range of Pakistan.

In contrast to early retirement, Priti and Jeff make the compelling case for a traditional career peppered with sabbaticals. This episode is filled with lifestyle and career philosophy, planning concepts, detailed financial considerations, and just a damn good time. And they are even planning their next sabbatical in 2024, which will look drastically different than their trip in 2020. You won’t want to miss this one.

Continue reading “Jeff and Priti Wright: You Might Need a Sabbatical”