Becky Switzer is a Bozeman, Montana-based climber and strong advocate for education, both in climbing and in the world at large. She draws great strength from surrounding herself with like-minded females. Yet, in the end, she’s a climber, not a female climber. Becky has taken a pragmatic stance to building the climbing life, recognizing when relationships aren’t working, dream jobs don’t pay, and when vans make for a less-than-ideal daily driver, among other things.
In this interview, we discuss using training and climbing as an emotional outlet, the transition to becoming a sponsored athlete (and the reasons for doing so), a real-life and hard look at the van life movement, and even the nature of privilege in climbing. Relevant to the times, we discuss the vast shift in population, demographics, and way of life in small mountain towns like Bozeman. And of course, once and for all, we lay to rest the controversy of secret crags đ .
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