EP 25: Erich Purpur: What is the “Good Life?”

Today on episode 25 let’s give a hot stew welcome to climber and all-around curious guy, Erich Purpur. Erich works in the university system in Virginia, finding time in the margins to climb up to V10 and 5.13c. Recently, Erich is beginning to envision a potential life of financial independence.

But achieving financial independence may only be the beginning of the next journey.

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EP 24: Bitches Get Riches: What Do We Really Value?

Today on episode 24 I’m thrilled to host Piggy and Kitty of Bitches Get Riches. Yes, you heard that right. These ladies have generously self-applied the “B” word, offering me cover from the internet masses for using it in this case. You’ll hear it soon: I’m cancel-proof on this one. Piggy and Kitty write and host their own podcast dedicated to imparting “funny lessons about the adulting skills we were never taught, yet mysteriously expected to know.” Sound familiar?

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Seven Lessons From Two Years of Financial Freedom

Two years of financial freedom

It’s been almost exactly two years since I last worked for anyone else. Two years since I made a paycheck. Two years since I commuted. Two years since I waited too long, ran like a fool with a backpack smacking me in the ass, missing my bus home anyway. Two years since I rushed to the gym, exhausted after a full day of work, and grinded out a training session anyway. It’s been two years since I hurriedly traded slacks and dress shoes for chalk-covered pants and approach shoes in a cold parking garage. Two years since I told any inappropriate jokes to coworkers before a meeting began. Two years since I lived in an old house in Denver with “character” and loud, hateful neighbors. Two years since we bought a tiny A-frame camper, eventually living on the road. It’s been two years since so much changed, and today I’m here to tell you about what this sense of freedom is really all about.

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EP 20: Steve Bechtel: The Glass Is Already Broken

Today on episode 20 I am so very pleased to welcome back to Clipping Chains climber, coach, trainer, and all-around great guy, Steve Bechtel. Steve joins us from Lander, Wyoming where he is the owner of Elemental Performance + Fitness and Climb Strong. Steve is a highly regarded pillar of the climbing coaching and training world, seemingly due to his no-nonsense persona, a dedication to simplicity, and a focus on key principles that generate results for his athletes.

That said, regardless of your dedication to training or even climbing in general, Steve has so much insight and clarity into living our best lives. Perhaps most poignant of all, Steve values the impermanence of today. If we can understand that the glass is already broken, a topic we’ll discuss, we know that every moment with it is precious.

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EP 18: Kenzie King: Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail

Today on episode 18 I want to welcome Kenzie King. If you listened to last week’s interview with Michael Langer you will recognize Kenzie as Michael’s girlfriend. Kenzie and Michael walked away from lucrative engineering careers in Houston, Texas and moved into a van. Only months later, seemingly on a whim, they smashed the Pacific Crest Trail, hiking over 2,600 miles across California, Oregon, and Washington.

I promise that this is not a retelling of last week’s story. Kenzie has a very unique perspective on their journey. And regardless of your thoughts on the backpacking or thru-hiking, Kenzie shares a number of insightful opinions on the evolving dynamics of workplace culture, relationships in trying environments, and levels of financial or emotional security necessary to make bold and truly lasting changes in our lives. Hang on all the way to the end for some of the best moments of this conversation.

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EP 17: Michael Langer: Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail

Today on episode 17 I want to give a very warm welcome to my guest Michael Langer, who along with his girlfriend Kenzie, walked away from lucrative engineering careers in Houston, Texas and moved into a van. Only months later, seemingly on a whim, they smashed the Pacific Crest Trail, hiking over 2,600 miles across California, Oregon, and Washington.

Today we will hear Michael’s perspective on this wild and unexpected journey, but it doesn’t end there. Next week stay tuned for an interview with Kenzie King, who shares her own unique perspective and motivations for their abrupt shift in lifestyle. After all, it takes a special couple to trade a solid paycheck for a heavy pack and mosquitos for five months.  

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EP 16: (Part 1) The Boring Guide to Successful Investing

This week on episode 16 I want to revisit a two-part series on the nuts and bolts of our very simple investing strategy. I wrote these posts early in the history of this website, back in late 2018. We felt an investing strategy needed to be simple and lasting, so you might be surprised to learn how boring it all seems. But in this case, boring is good.

And like a simple investing strategy should be, it really hasn’t changed much. However, once we achieved financial independence and left our traditional jobs, we have made some minor changes to our plan. And I’ll share those changes with you today.

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Wealth Inequality: Can We Solve This?

Believe it or not, most Americans are in better financial shape as a result of the pandemic. America has a cash glut. Is this the moment to shift the tides of wealth inequality?

Both the Trump and Biden administrations have pumped trillions of dollars into the economy via stimulus packages. Home values are exploding, a windfall for existing homeowners. The stock market has been absolutely crushing it, inflating the net worth of investors and widening the wealth inequality gap between investors and non-investors. Plus, with pandemic restrictions, we’ve simply been spending less.

Those that are home owners, stock market investors, and beneficiaries of the 2020 and 2021 stimulus checks have seen their income and net worth rise dramatically since 2019.

Who’da thunk it? And where do we go from here?

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