EP 29: Back in the Weeds with the Frugal Professor

Today on episode 29 I want to welcome back to Clipping Chains writer, climber, father of five, and fellow personal finance geek, The Frugal Professor.

We cover it all on this one, from how the Frugal Professor was able to save nearly $2 million dollars with a family of seven, to how my wife and I are continuing to navigate a post-Financial Independence life.

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War and Financial Markets: What You Need to Know

I couldn’t go on with another week with talk of climbing or investing without acknowledging the massive elephant in the room: the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the threat of evolving war.

Financial markets are not high on my mind. Without a doubt, I sit on a throne of privilege to be able to even consider this article. But all that being said, I have been asked my thoughts on this matter, so here we go.

Today we take a historical look at past market environments during times of war. Importantly, we have to examine if this time could be different.

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The Long Approach to Being Scared of Investing

The long approach mentality is required to last as an investor. But first a story:

Everybodddy…! Yeahhh-ahhh! Rock your bodddyyy! Yeahhh-ahhh!

These were the lyrics absolutely shaking the walls of the Mercat de l’Olivar fish market in Palma, Mallorca as the mid-day closing time approached. The vendors were busy packing up product, mopping, and wiping down metal countertops in a cool and expansive room, rich with the briny, iodine smells of the sea and the thumping sounds of late-90s Backstreet Boys hits.

And oddly enough, hearing a 1997 boy band hit in 2019 left me thinking about staying power and the long approach. Tell em, boys.

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The GameStop Saga: Hedge Funds, Reddit Investors, and Why They’re All Wrong


Well, I wouldn’t normally post two posts in a week, much less two in two days! But by popular demand, I have a few words on this GameStop fiasco. What do you guys think I am, some kind of journalist?!

I hate when news stories like this come out. These sorts of headlines give rise to the kind of stock market talk that promotes the age-old myth: the entire system is run by wealthy Wall Street Fat Cats, the small people can’t get a piece of the pie (or only lose money), and boy wouldn’t it be great if we could tear it all down!

This is flawed thinking. Here’s why:

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There’s No Way I’m Investing in this Economy!

There's No Way I'm Investing in this Economy!

On August 18, 2020, against all odds, the S&P 500 hits a new all-time high. Almost exactly six-months prior, the voices of consternation—from all corners, mind you—are inciting fears of Depression-era financial instability in the global economy. Well-minded folks are selling equities for gold and cash, and the more troubled are lining up at the bank, six feet apart, to withdraw their money. Much of the devastation of the pandemic hasn’t changed, yet the stock market is back on top. Or is it?

What in the hell is going on, and should you be a part of it?

Let’s go!

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Shocking Headlines of the 2008 Financial Crisis

(And Why They Are So Important Now)

I don’t want to talk much about the novel coronavirus today. I want to talk about money, because that is what I do here. Money may not be a priority for you and your family now amongst a spreading virus. However, I want to calmly acknowledge that the world is also facing a very real personal finance threat, one that could be far more impactful for most Americans than the virus itself (which I’m not taking lightly). Before we make rash decisions in a time of panic and hysteria, let’s examine some important headlines from the 2008 financial crisis and why those messages are so incredibly important right now.

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The Sky is Falling: Lessons from the Coronavirus

Happy Monday! What a week! The coronavirus is spreading like southern Kudzu and is now officially a pandemic. Social distancing is suddenly the new order, flaming a wildfire of fear and panic, crippling the economy. The stock market is currently down 20% from its February high. The S&P 500 dropped 9.5% in a single day. And then the very next day the market bounced back 9.3%. We have entered bear market territory, ending the historic 11-year bull market run. OPEC meddling crashed oil prices. And I just quit my job. We have (had?) big plans for a new way of life. So, what’s changed?

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I Have Cash! Is Now a Bad Time to Invest?!

Hey, hey, hey! Some cash just landed in your lap. Or perhaps you have a vested interest in your company, and now your stock is available to sell or transfer. What do you do with it? Do you keep it? Invest it elsewhere all at once as a lump sum and hope the market doesn’t fall (further)? Is it best to dollar-cost-average? WTF is dollar-cost-average?! But isn’t there about to be a recession?? Ahhh!! Let’s take a look!

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Retirement? Don’t Worry, I’ll Be Fine!

I’m assuming roughly 100% of people reading this post envision some sort of eventual retirement. You might view this as a subject only worthy of future consideration, but it will happen. There’s no way you could be making a living wage in your 70s and 80s, right? In this post we’ll examine why you might be out of a job sooner than you think, and perhaps without a safety net. But this isn’t all dark clouds and cold rain my friend, for we can solve this dilemma with such little effort. And we can start today. Let’s go!

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Financial Advisor: Who Needs One?

The stock market is scary. I completely understand; there was once a time when I wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole. In fact, according to Ally Invest, 65% of survey respondents are intimidated by investing. It seems like a Wild West proposition, and surely only well-trained professionals are equipped to predict the future success of individual companies. You realize the potential of investing, but you wouldn’t know how to start. It’s probably best to pay a financial advisor for this service, right?

Some say the answer to whether you need a financial advisor is “maybe,” but I’m more strongly in the “no” camp. Here’s why.

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