Forgotten Lessons From a Jet Plane

Hi, how are you? I’ve been doing some traveling by plane. After a 15-month hiatus from the grind, I found refreshment in some good-ole’-fashioned civilization this week. Apologies for the departure, but you will find no tips about finances or rock climbing today. This is an essay on the inherent ridiculousness of human nature and the forgotten joys of plane travel.

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Tales From the Road: Two Cows and a Horse

Hi, how are you? I don’t have any super financial hacks, tips, or tricks. Not this week. That’s because I’ve been busy with some major adulting, which I discuss at the end. Back when it was rainy and dark and 2020 and I was in a bad mood, I wrote about how I was considering taking a break from this site. One of your key pieces of feedback, thankfully, is that you guys seem to want some interesting stories about life after FI, or life on the road. Well, here’s a true story about two cows and a horse. Apologies if it gets a little weird. After all, I did spend six months of the pandemic reading Stephen King’s The Stand (read it before it becomes a mini series. You know it’s coming).

Please enjoy.

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