Your Questions Answered: Volume One

This week I decided to dig through my emails and finish answering some questions.

In this post we take another look at investing now vs later, the dynamics of financial independence without retiring early, housing and home ownership, more on day trading and investing apps, what the hell I do with my time, and much more.

Here is what is keeping you guys up at night, or at least spurring mild curiosity.

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Boredom? Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That

It’s clear now that we will be stuck in our homes for all of April, doing our part to stem the spread of the coronavirus. And let’s be real, I’ve got a close eye on May as well, if not October. While we may be minimizing our physical health risks by staying at home, the negative effects of boredom might be the second-wave infection facing our society. What can we do to maintain or even improve our prospects for sound mental and financial health during these times?

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