The Simple and Complicated Life on the Road

We’ve been back in a house for just over a month, which feels like a good time to reflect on our five-month 2020 life on the road.

We’ve all heard the myriad benefits of a life of full-time travel: a new and ever-changing environment, chasing good weather, meeting new people, and abundant nature. And certainly, we’ve seen all the photos. But with this sense of freedom comes some significant trade-offs in comfort, ease of living, work productivity, and sometimes even freedom itself.

Does life on the road live up to all the social media hype? How about the costs? What type of vehicles, vans, or RVs are even affordable?

Here’s what to expect:

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Becky Switzer: The Powerful Pragmatist

Becky Switzer Interview

Becky Switzer is a Bozeman, Montana-based climber and strong advocate for education, both in climbing and in the world at large. She draws great strength from surrounding herself with like-minded females. Yet, in the end, she’s a climber, not a female climber. Becky has taken a pragmatic stance to building the climbing life, recognizing when relationships aren’t working, dream jobs don’t pay, and when vans make for a less-than-ideal daily driver, among other things.

In this interview, we discuss using training and climbing as an emotional outlet, the transition to becoming a sponsored athlete (and the reasons for doing so), a real-life and hard look at the van life movement, and even the nature of privilege in climbing. Relevant to the times, we discuss the vast shift in population, demographics, and way of life in small mountain towns like Bozeman. And of course, once and for all, we lay to rest the controversy of secret crags 😉 .

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Neil Phillips: Money as a Means to an Incredible Journey

Neil Phillips PROMO

This week I am very pleased to bring you an exciting interview with a climber and young professional that you don’t know: Neil Phillips.

As a matter of fact, I’m 100% positive that you don’t know Neil Phillips, because that’s not his real name. And I get that too, because I also don’t use my name. Money and jobs and the internet are like oil and vinegar. They don’t mix. As a matter of fact, we’ll discuss a bit about the taboo of money, and why Neil and I think it’s so damn hard to discuss personal finance.

Neil is a young professional, rock climber, and has many interesting stories and suggestions for anyone trying to get the upper hand with their money.

In this interview we discuss Neil’s desire for financial strength, his story of eliminating debt, pursuing financial independence, and preparing for a year-long road trip. And of course, we even have some good-ole-fashioned climbing talk.

Let’s go!

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Selling Our House: On the Road, Pandemic Edition

Selling our house during a pandemic, life on the road

It’s July. Once again, coronavirus infections are surging across the country. Mrs. CC and I, in a moment of hopeful optimism a few weeks ago, decided to list our house for sale. Where are we going? We don’t know, we’ll be homeless. Will we have income? Not sure. Considering we’re hitting the road in one week, there’s the shocking reality that we really don’t have a plan. And if we are anything, we are planners.

So…where do we go from here?

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Nate Drolet: So You Want to be a Coach?

Nate Drolet Interview

Alright folks, we’re finally getting back on the interview wagon, and I’m pleased this week to bring you Nate Drolet. Nate, at 31 years young, is a coach, trainer, and podcast co-host for Power Company Climbing, a well-rounded climber (he has climbed multiple 5.14a routes and V12 boulders), and a master of movement. Nate also takes an admirably pragmatic approach to learning and self-improvement.

In many cases, it might be as simple as mind over matter…

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Full Pursuit of Climbing Isn’t Full Freedom After All

This week’s post was written as a guest post for the UK-based I’ll admit, there’s a bit of controversy here. I love climbing as much as the next guy, but I believe that full pursuit of the sport can leave us a bit unbalanced. Steve Bechtel, in his interview here last week, rightfully points out that no one is really all that balanced. You’ll hear no argument from me, but we might as well try. Financial stability is very simple, but not necessarily easy. Let’s see what it really takes to find the freedom we’ve been longing for.

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Do You Deserve a Life You Can’t Afford?

A Life You Can't Afford PROMO

This is a tough subject, brimming with unspoken taboos. The more I’ve researched, read, and written about personal finance, the more deeply I’ve come to understand a fundamental truth: many people want a certain lifestyle, and they are going to live that life regardless of whether there is money to support it. Do you deserve a life you can’t afford?

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Having Your Cake and Eating it Too: The Millionaire Dirtbag, Part 1.

A Look at Work/Life Balance

The binary solutions for work/life balance in climbing tend to be one of the following:

The Lifer

The lifer pursues climbing at all expense and makes ends meet as best as they can. The lifer participates in seasonal work or other flexible jobs that provide an income capable of sustaining life, but allowing for little to no saving for the long term. Individuals on this path are reluctant to place any roots: careers, property, family, long-term relationships. These individuals experience unparalleled freedom, but may harbor deep-seated concerns about their financial future after the youthful years.

The typical van scene in early spring outside St. George, UT. The climbers at these crags are often a nomadic bunch, and as such, they warm up on my projects.

The Optimizer

The optimizer pursues a career and climbs as much as they can in the margins. This is where most of us fall in modern climbing. We have careers, we may have children, perhaps even own a home. As life demands increase; careers develop, children enter the equation, climbing progressively gets shoved further towards the back burner.

These are the weekend warriors and the people who fill up the campgrounds on the holiday weekends. There is comfort in that this life is a shared experience with most others; almost anyone can relate. These individuals tend to have much healthier and stable incomes, but also tend to fall victim to lifestyle inflation: As income increases, so does unnecessary spending.

Despite vastly higher incomes, the optimizer’s financial future may be no less secure than the lifer, but they may have lots of nice stuff.

Continue reading “Having Your Cake and Eating it Too: The Millionaire Dirtbag, Part 1.”