Today on episode 18 I want to welcome Kenzie King. If you listened to last week’s interview with Michael Langer you will recognize Kenzie as Michael’s girlfriend. Kenzie and Michael walked away from lucrative engineering careers in Houston, Texas and moved into a van. Only months later, seemingly on a whim, they smashed the Pacific Crest Trail, hiking over 2,600 miles across California, Oregon, and Washington.
I promise that this is not a retelling of last week’s story. Kenzie has a very unique perspective on their journey. And regardless of your thoughts on the backpacking or thru-hiking, Kenzie shares a number of insightful opinions on the evolving dynamics of workplace culture, relationships in trying environments, and levels of financial or emotional security necessary to make bold and truly lasting changes in our lives. Hang on all the way to the end for some of the best moments of this conversation.
Topics Discussed with Kenzie King
- Kenzie’s original interest in achieving financial independence and retiring at approximately age 35
- Dreams of a year-long sabbatical to travel the world
- Pandemic change in plans: Van life and domestic travel
- Van life challenges and a desire for change
- The Pacific Crest Trail (navigating the lottery system, ideal start times, budgeting, food, day in the life routines)
- Richness of community on the trail
- Saving money versus living for today
- Transitioning from the trail to the workforce
- Implications of the Great Resignation for workplace culture

Get in Touch with Kenzie King
Pacific Crest Trail and Other Backpacking Resources
Pacific Crest Trail Association
PCT Permits and Lottery System
Clever Hiker: Gear Reviews and Tutorials
Kenzie’s Early Retirement Inspiration
Recommended Books
A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail, By Bill Bryson
Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail, By Cheryl Strayed
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