Today on episode 21 I want to give a very warm welcome to climber and certified professional life coach, Blake Cason. Blake is the founder of Pivot Wellness and the co-founder of Climbwell, two organizations that allow Blake to integrate her extensive background in mental and behavioral health to make our lives better.
Blake moved to St. George, Utah at almost the same exact time that my wife and I were moving into our new home there. What fascinated me about Blake’s story is that, prior to her new home purchase, she worked as a solo entrepreneur on the road in her camper for years.
The first half of this interview is spent studying the history and logistics of this career path and work setup. For the second half of this interview, we dive into Blake’s bread and butter of examining our motivations, with actionable steps on how to improve and find balance in both our careers and passionate pursuits.
Topics Discussed with Blake Cason
- Blake’s origins on wellness and life coaching
- How Blake was able to live on the road full-time and work as a solo entrepreneur
- The realities of finding a coach in a largely unregulated industry (hint: experience is valuable!)
- Common issues Blake sees with her clients
- Complications of living and working on the road
- Getting started as an entrepreneur: navigating marketing and social media
- Pricing your services
- Blake’s close call with money in her early days of her private practice
- Finding a balance between home life and travel
- Dealing with burnout in a career
- How to make a job better without quitting
- Maintaining inspiration over the long run

Climbwell Retreat in Rifle, Colorado
Use promo code “CHAINS10” at checkout for 10% off: Climbwell Retreat in Rifle, CO (no affiliation with Clipping Chains)
I’ll add this: I’ve climbed in Rifle a fair amount, and I can think of no better place for a life coach. It’s a little rough on the mind, body, and soul. Think about it.
Get in Touch with Blake Cason
Blake’s Podcast Appearances
Enormocast EP 163: Blake Cason: Let’s Be Honest
The Nugget Climbing, EP 28: Blake Cason
Power Company Climbing: Blake Cason: Wellness and Habits for Climbing Performance
Other Interviews Mentioned
EP 7: Luke Mehall: The Dirtbag Dream is Not Enough
Related Clipping Chains Posts
Six Important Reasons Not to Retire Early
Why Trying to Quit My Job (Sort of) Made It Better
The Simple and Complicated Life on the Road
The Fallacy of Happiness and Meaningful Work
Contentment: The Greenest Grass of Them All
Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know (Adam Grant)
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This was such an encouraging episode to listen to, I’m starting to feel more “with the climber” when she talks about clarity and purpose when out on a climb. Avoiding burnout and keeping up the motivation were key points.
Thanks for this feedback, Gary!