Today on episode 36 I’m pleased to welcome climber, author, editor, father, and prolific first ascensionist Matt Samet. Recently, Matt was unexpectedly laid off from his position as editor of Climbing Magazine, a position he has held on and off for nearly two decades.
The state of media, particularly print media, is something that has held my attention in recent years. Although I’ve considered reaching out to Matt for some time to discuss his career in writing and climbing journalism, this finally felt like the right moment.
Join us as we take a deeper dive on media, journalism, balancing climbing and other life obligations, as well as some good-ole-fashioned musings on the modern climbing life.
Topics Discussed with Matt Samet
- Matt’s unexpected layoff
- The state of magazines and print media
- The relationship of social media and athletes and the impact on print media
- Matt’s choice to pursue writing as a career
- Dealing with nonconstructive feedback
- How to get involved with professional writing and tips for getting published
- Matt’s battle with benzodiazepine addiction
- Tactics for integrating climbing into a career
- Finding time to be a prolific first ascensionist
- How Matt might be climbing his hardest ever at age 50
- Matt’s thoughts on what’s next in his career
- So much more!

Get in Touch with Matt Samet
Matt Samet’s Climbing Magazine Archives
Other Podcasts Mentioned
Training Beta Podcast 187: Matt Samet on Climbing Hard at 50 and Route Development
Other Links
5280: Can Outside Inc. Save Outdoor Journalism?
WNIP: 2021 in print: Newspapers’ decline continues, but for magazines … it’s complicated
VIDEO: North Face: Stone Spirit (Matty Hong et al., in Switzerland)
Matt’s recent piece on Molly Mitchell
Fiona Lloyd: Living with a Very Serious Climber
Horton Hears a Who! (Dr. Seuss)
The Underground Railroad (Colson Whitehead)
Crime and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)
Post Office: A Novel (Charles Bukowski)
Journey to the End of the Night (Louis-Ferdinand Céline)
Clipping Chains Posts
A list of all articles and podcast episodes is here.
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