Today on episode 42 I’m very pleased to host this enjoyable conversation with entrepreneur and climber Ashley Green of Climb On Equipment, a climbing specialty retailer in Squamish, BC.
Today we discuss how Ashley, at age 27 and with hardly a loonie to her name, came to own this business and turn it in to the thriving pillar of the community that it is today. We dive deep into the mechanics of funding this endeavor, maintaining a work/life balance of a serious climber and prospective mother, expanding and building a team, and the value of capitalizing on the serendipity that befalls us all. Finally, we touch on some of the specific town dynamics of Squamish in particular, a place like no other I’ve ever been.
This is the story of a young person getting two struggling businesses, taking risk, and building something amazing on the path toward financial independence.
Topics Discussed with Ashley Green:
- Ashley’s origins as a young climber and traveler
- Why Ashley chose to forego college
- Purchasing a business with virtually no money on hand, specifics on financing and credit card use
- Risk of taking on a struggling business with little to no personal savings
- Work/life balance of an entrepreneur
- Building a team, creating a work culture, and how to choose business partners
- Squamish: the changing demographics and culture of a small mountain town
- Comparison culture: The mental weight of athletic performance in Squamish
- Ashley’s personal finance journey and pursuit of financial independence
- Being a woman in the climbing industry or as a business owner
- So much more!

Get in Touch with Ashley Green
Canadian Young Entrepreneur Loan
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A list of all articles and podcast episodes is here.
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