Ashley Green: How to Create Enjoyable Business Success at Age 27

Today on episode 42 I’m very pleased to host this enjoyable conversation with entrepreneur and climber Ashley Green of Climb On Equipment, a climbing specialty retailer in Squamish, BC.

Today we discuss how Ashley, at age 27 and with hardly a loonie to her name, came to own this business and turn it in to the thriving pillar of the community that it is today. We dive deep into the mechanics of funding this endeavor, maintaining a work/life balance of a serious climber and prospective mother, expanding and building a team, and the value of capitalizing on the serendipity that befalls us all. Finally, we touch on some of the specific town dynamics of Squamish in particular, a place like no other I’ve ever been.

This is the story of a young person getting two struggling businesses, taking risk, and building something amazing on the path toward financial independence.

Continue reading “Ashley Green: How to Create Enjoyable Business Success at Age 27”

QA7: Financial Freedom Fast-Tracks and Climbing Plateau Busters

We’re back to the digital mailbag to answer your questions!

For this week:

  • Does the 401(k) max include employer contributions?
  • Should I invest in my 401(k) or pay down my mortgage early?
  • What about Fidelity’s zero expense ratio fund, VZROX?
  • Investing tips for a Health Savings Account
  • Do you write off business expenses for Clipping Chains?
  • How and when do you pay yourself from investments?
  • Winter climbing in St. George, Utah
  • Big life expenses and expectations when pursuing financial independence: children, weddings, etc.
  • Mandatory pension contributions vs DIY investing
  • Front-loading savings without going for full financial independence (Coast FI)
  • Climbing plateau busters
Continue reading “QA7: Financial Freedom Fast-Tracks and Climbing Plateau Busters”

Is the Real Estate Investment Boom Killing US Housing Affordability?

Find me a person who can talk and you’ll find someone with an opinion on the housing market or real estate investment. And most of those opinions—even from happily settled homeowners—bear the tones of suspicion at best and downright defeat at worst.

Housing prices have skyrocketed a staggering 34% nationwide over the past two years. This rate is essentially an order of magnitude higher than historical home price appreciation. Certain markets are arguably out of hand (to use a technical term). Take Boise, Idaho, where prices are considered 73% overvalued.

Is the booming real estate investment trend at least partially to blame?

Continue reading “Is the Real Estate Investment Boom Killing US Housing Affordability?”

EP 29: Back in the Weeds with the Frugal Professor

Today on episode 29 I want to welcome back to Clipping Chains writer, climber, father of five, and fellow personal finance geek, The Frugal Professor.

We cover it all on this one, from how the Frugal Professor was able to save nearly $2 million dollars with a family of seven, to how my wife and I are continuing to navigate a post-Financial Independence life.

Continue reading “EP 29: Back in the Weeds with the Frugal Professor”

EP 27: Homes and Vans with Tien and Brandon Rooney

Today on episode 27 we are taking a deeper dive on real estate investing with climbers Tien and Brandon Rooney of Five Twelve Real Estate. This couple shares a very intriguing history, spanning from college athletics to corporate world wake-up calls, the latter of which inspired them to uproot their lives and teach and travel throughout Asia.

Eventually, looking to rekindle the youthful days of travel and freedom, Tien and Brandon turned to real estate investment as a way to fast-track their path to financial independence. They even moved into a van full-time to further optimize their financial journey.

We carefully examine the many methods of real estate investment, including some key tips for first-time home buyers. Find out if this path is for you!

Continue reading “EP 27: Homes and Vans with Tien and Brandon Rooney”