The Anticipation Of The Thing Is Greater Than The Thing

We are prone to believing that outcomes will have stronger emotional impacts on us than they often do. This state of expectation, or impact bias, highlights why anticipation of an event is a much more palpable emotion than the event itself. The impact bias can lead to behaviors that make us less content despite our best efforts for happiness.

Let’s learn more about how to recognize this bias and make better decisions for our future.

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It’s Not All Hard Luck with Shay Skinner

In her late teens and early twenties, Shay Skinner was disowned from her family. She struggled with crushing mental illness, which ultimately culminated in a suicide attempt that left her in financial ruin. From this dismal situation, Shay filed for bankruptcy and began a long and fruitful climb toward being whole again. How can we summon the courage to take such measures of personal accountability?

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Can The 4% Rule Actually Work For Early Retirement?

The 4% rule suggests that a retiree who withdraws no more than 4% of their portfolio each year could have provided for a 30-year retirement window during most historical retirement windows. And that is true! The problem is that the FIRE community, however, perpetuates at least two misconceptions when discussing the 4% rule. Today, we address those common misconceptions about utilizing investment income. And, most importantly, we discuss how to use a flexible withdrawal strategy to weather bear markets and/or reduced future returns.

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Earning to Buy Time with Meghan and Jeff (A Way to FI)

Today’s guests on episode 44 are Meghan and Jeff, two Colorado climbers who are at very different positions on the spectrum of financial independence. Jeff achieved financial independence along with his wife, Rose, over four years ago. Meghan, along with her husband, were inspired to get serious about their personal finances after meeting and learning from Jeff and Rose. Jeff and Meghan now write about their experiences and learnings at

Today we discuss their different origin stories, long-term goals, and shed some light on the fraught balance between work, money, family, and the seemingly elusive control of our time.

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EP 29: Back in the Weeds with the Frugal Professor

Today on episode 29 I want to welcome back to Clipping Chains writer, climber, father of five, and fellow personal finance geek, The Frugal Professor.

We cover it all on this one, from how the Frugal Professor was able to save nearly $2 million dollars with a family of seven, to how my wife and I are continuing to navigate a post-Financial Independence life.

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EP 28: Compound Growth: Can I Catch Up Later?

Many of us understand that investing in an appreciating asset results in compound growth of our initial investment. But how does this really work? How can a small sum of money grow to something that can provide financial freedom with little to no effort beyond securing the initial investment? And most importantly, what are the different outcomes when debating whether to invest now or later in life?

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EP 24: Bitches Get Riches: What Do We Really Value?

Today on episode 24 I’m thrilled to host Piggy and Kitty of Bitches Get Riches. Yes, you heard that right. These ladies have generously self-applied the “B” word, offering me cover from the internet masses for using it in this case. You’ll hear it soon: I’m cancel-proof on this one. Piggy and Kitty write and host their own podcast dedicated to imparting “funny lessons about the adulting skills we were never taught, yet mysteriously expected to know.” Sound familiar?

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Seven Lessons From Two Years of Financial Freedom

Two years of financial freedom

It’s been almost exactly two years since I last worked for anyone else. Two years since I made a paycheck. Two years since I commuted. Two years since I waited too long, ran like a fool with a backpack smacking me in the ass, missing my bus home anyway. Two years since I rushed to the gym, exhausted after a full day of work, and grinded out a training session anyway. It’s been two years since I hurriedly traded slacks and dress shoes for chalk-covered pants and approach shoes in a cold parking garage. Two years since I told any inappropriate jokes to coworkers before a meeting began. Two years since I lived in an old house in Denver with “character” and loud, hateful neighbors. Two years since we bought a tiny A-frame camper, eventually living on the road. It’s been two years since so much changed, and today I’m here to tell you about what this sense of freedom is really all about.

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EP 16: (Part 1) The Boring Guide to Successful Investing

This week on episode 16 I want to revisit a two-part series on the nuts and bolts of our very simple investing strategy. I wrote these posts early in the history of this website, back in late 2018. We felt an investing strategy needed to be simple and lasting, so you might be surprised to learn how boring it all seems. But in this case, boring is good.

And like a simple investing strategy should be, it really hasn’t changed much. However, once we achieved financial independence and left our traditional jobs, we have made some minor changes to our plan. And I’ll share those changes with you today.

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