Holier Than Thou: Why It’s Hard to Talk About Money

Discussing finances in America is about as appealing as using a rotary tool to cut your over-thickened and rotted toenails. I’ve never done that and my toenails are blue ribbon winners, but it sounds unappealing.

We’ve struggled over the past few years with sharing this major shift in our lives and what it means for our futures. One of the primary reasons for starting this site was to provide a platform to more deeply explain our philosophy and financial strategy, because frankly nobody wants to talk about money. 

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On Deprivation: Food

The first response we usually get (or sense) when explaining the concepts behind financial independence – and in particular frugality – are that we must be depriving ourselves of “the lives we deserve” by being in a higher income bracket yet choosing to spend so little money. Instead of waxing poetic about the philosophy of simple living, let’s start with some examples of what we consider low-hanging fruit in the hierarchy of unnecessary spending.

“I love eating out, so I’m happy regularly spending money in restaurants.”

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The Goal of Clipping Chains: Linking Up Personal Finance and the Climbing World

Two facets of my life that keep me fully engaged are rock climbing and personal finance. I’m guessing you’ve come to this site because you are more interested in one of these seemingly unrelated subjects than the other, but I’ll slowly, hopefully, make the case that there are valuable lessons to learn from my experiences in wading deep into either respective…pool?

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