We now find ourselves approaching the mid-year point of 2021. So, how about we check in on those simple, yet highly effective methods for actually saving real money? I’m taking a break from my typical long-form post while we travel, so hopefully you’ll find this one straight and to the point.

Wyoming: Floods and Limestone
I’m writing to you from unseasonably hot Ten Sleep, Wyoming. Towering to the east, the Bighorn Mountain range is covered in heavy spring snow. As snow turns to water from the sudden heat wave, the Ten Sleep Creek swells overnight. St. Bernard-size boulders grind against one another, a thunderous and bass-heavy sound reminiscent of a bombing raid I’ve never experienced. We’re now under a flood watch at our riverside campsite, so that’s neat.
The Summer is Hot
People ask me why I moved to the desert. Summers are so hot! they say. I say summers are hot everywhere. It’s early June in the Rocky Mountains…and it’s hot.
Travel Lately
I finished my spring climbing season in St. George and headed off for my first phase of post-vaccination travel. As you perhaps read in the forgotten lessons from a jet plane, I ventured to North Carolina for a short trip to visit family. Check that one out if you’ve been missing any good ole’ fashioned drama.
Immediately after my North Carolina trip, Mrs. CC and I hitched up the ole’ travel trailer and headed south and uphill to the impressive forested North Rim of the Grand Canyon. The whole time I kept thinking to myself, they really nailed it with the name of this place. Grand indeed.
Life with a dog in a National Park is never ideal—dogs are rarely allowed on any trail worth doing—but we made the best of it. We enjoyed crisp evenings overlooking Marble Canyon, and only moderately warm days. Highlights include an expensive-but-worth-it prickly pear margarita at the lodge overlooking a stunner sunset.

With only several nights to recoup back in El Jorge, as I call it (St. George), we re-hitched the A-frame once again. Mrs. CC flew off for a visit to see family, and I’ve traveled north to Wyoming.
The remainder of the summer will be busy with travel. We’ll spend a month in Salt Lake City, as well as some time back in the Front Range of Colorado. Other shorter trips potentially include the Sierra Nevada of California. It’s exciting and exhausting to consider.
A Mid-Year Financial Check-In
Anyway, I thought I’d use this short update post to reflect on financial goals for the year. At the beginning of the year, I published a comprehensive post on ways to actually save money in 2021. How are those goals coming along? Any major life changes that help or hurt your chances of saving more money?
Would you rather just spend it all on hummus? I know, I get that too. I really love hummus.
Check out this post for a mid-year financial check-in.
Remember, the best laid plans mean nothing if you can’t take action today. Have questions? Need some feedback? Hit us up on the contact page.
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Thanks guys, see you next week.