Now seems as good a time as any to welcome back climber and software engineer Mike Doyle. Mike appeared on Clipping Chains for a written interview in February of 2020. At the time, I was curious as to how he managed to climb at an elite level while juggling a very demanding remote job. Mike was still managing to travel to multiple places a year for months at a time, taking his full-time+ job along with him.
After the arrival of the pandemic and surge in remote work, Mike’s original interview feels so much more relevant. In the intervening time, my wife and I have also experienced living and working while traveling, so my thoughts on this lifestyle have evolved dramatically. With all this in mind, the timing feels right to have Mike on for a deeper dive on the realities of the remote work lifestyle.
Topics Discussed with Mike Doyle
- Mike’s background in computer science and thoughts on the current and future job market in that field
- Mike’s history of remote work, travel, and early days of van living. Plus, why Mike doesn’t think traveling in a van is optimal for him now
- Thoughts on work as a distraction or a point of focus
- Mental tips for keeping work and play separate
- Time efficiency tips for maximizing climbing while working
- Building and leveraging career capital to enhance lifestyle flexibility
- Tips for searching and securing deals on long-term Airbnb stays
- Keeping a good work routine in new and different places
- Community and social outlets while traveling or at home in Las Vegas
- Mike’s ideal work/life/climbing balance (hint: it’s not all climbing!)
- Mike’s thoughts on home ownership and how he has deployed rental income
- Words of caution for those pursuing a life of travel while working
- So much more!

Get in Touch with Mike Doyle
Original Clipping Chains Written Interview: Mike Doyle: A Remote-Controlled Climbing Life
Mike rented an apartment in Mesquite, NV to maximize his time working the nearby Necessary Evil, a 5.14c in the Virgin River Gorge. This excellent 2014 video by Joe Kinder gives us a glimpse into Mike’s process with balancing work and climbing projects.
Other Interviews Mentioned
Nugget Climbing Podcast, Episode 12: Mike Doyle
EP 10: Mark Anderson: The Seasons of Life (Clipping Chains)
The Shocking Truth About Sleep
Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams, by Dr. Matthew Walker
Career Capital Resources
Chasing Your Dreams is Probably a Bad Idea
The Fallacy of Happiness and Meaningful Work
Home Ownership Resources
Should I Buy a Home? Part 2: Opportunity Cost
Relocation: A Guide to Moving and Housing Affordability
This Just In: The Real Cost of Home Ownership
And We’re Back to Home Ownership! But Why Now?
Housing Affordability: This Isn’t Normal
Other Products Mentioned
Reflectix thermal insulation and security cover for vehicles
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