My guest this week is climber, math professor, and real-deal van lifer, Craig Faulhaber. On September 19, 2021 Craig was involved in a very serious climbing accident. This is the sort of accident that can end a life at worst, and dramatically alter its course at best. But, as you will hear in this conversation, Craig has an amazing sense of optimism in the face of very difficult life events.
To add to my shock at his accident, I was surprised to learn that Craig was on the cusp of retiring early just before his accident. Please enjoy this special conversation where we discuss the delicate nature of life, unconventional living, home ownership, relationships and marriage, and even the ethics of investing. Plus so much more!
Topics Discussed with Craig Faulhaber
- The details of Craig’s accident and recovery to date
- Plenty on van life. How Craig and his girlfriend have lived together in a van, while working their careers, for five years! Thoughts on van builds and where most people fail to make it long-term in a van.
- Why Craig is pro-home ownership but can’t live in a house
- Craig’s plan to retire early
- Why Craig doesn’t invest and has saved for early retirement with cash only!
- Craig’s thoughts on the stress and ethics of investing
- Moving the goal posts on contentment
- Thoughts on health insurance and the idea of medical bancruptcy
- Thoughts on marriage and relationships, from romance to practical implications
- Craig’s performance climbing philosophy and achievements before his accident
- Craig’s background with music
- So much more!

Get in Touch with Craig Faulhaber
More Details on Craig’s Accident
Detailed account on Mountain Project
Route: Burning Down the Haus
Craig’s Music
2008 Financial Crisis
Shocking Headlines of the 2008 Financial Crisis (And Why They Are So Important Now)
Many more posts on investing and investing psychology here
Home Ownership
Should I Buy a Home? Part 2: Opportunity Cost
Relocation: A Guide to Moving and Housing Affordability
This Just In: The Real Cost of Home Ownership
And We’re Back to Home Ownership! But Why Now?
Housing Affordability: This Isn’t Normal
Van Life Economics
Van Life: The Economics and Trade-Offs
Healthcare and Health Insurance
Is Healthcare Insurance About to Get a Lot More Expensive?!
Some Fantastic News on Healthcare Costs
How to Have Negative Health Insurance Costs