Mike Piper: Down To The Essence Of Smart Money Management

Mike Piper is a CPA and the creator of the Oblivious Investor blog, where he teaches a philosophy of simple and low-maintenance investing.

Mike’s simple philosophy distills down to three primary principles:

  1. Diversify your portfolio
  2. Minimize costs (commissions, fees, mutual fund expenses, taxes)
  3. Ignore the noise.

Mike began his career as a CPA before realizing he could support himself by writing books. Surprisingly, he left his secure job during the 2008 financial crisis. He has gone on to publish seventeen books and is widely considered an expert in social security, tax, and a number of other personal finance topics. His work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and Morningstar, to name a few.

Topics Discussed with Mike Piper

  • Mike’s career journey from accountant to full-time writer
  • Why Mike quit his job in the middle of the 2008 financial crisis
  • Content: what to monetize and what to give away for free
  • Mike’s climbing background
  • Social Security: Why it’s not going away, when you should take it, how much you should plan on receiving, and why you shouldn’t consider it a retirement plan
  • Mike’s thoughts on the FIRE movement and early retirement in particular
  • Spending considerations for a long retirement and how spending changes as we age
  • What Mike doesn’t like about the 4% Rule
  • Withdrawal rates: rules-of-thumb versus sophisticated modeling
  • What you need to know for investing in today’s market
  • Investing considerations for the self-employed
  • Understanding risk in the stock market for new or prospective investors
  • The importance of the “good enough portfolio”
  • How Mike manages his work and leisure time
  • So much more!

Get in Touch with Mike Piper

The Oblivious Investor Blog

Work with Mike

Mike’s Books

Mike’s Social Security Calculator (Open Social Security)

Resources Discussed

Social Security Administration (ssa.gov)


Estimating the True Cost of Retirement (David Blanchett, Morningstar)

NewRetirement (Retirement planning tools)

Vanguard Life Strategy Growth Fund

Mind the Gap: A report on investor returns in the U.S. (Morningstar)


Portfolio Visualizer (very cool!)

“A time to evaluate your jitters” (Bogleheads forum thread)

Other Episodes Mentioned

EP 3: Chris Mamula: One Bite at a Time

EP 60: What You Need to Know About Financial Advisors with Chris Mamula

A list of all Clipping Chains articles and podcast episodes here


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