We’re back to the digital mailbag to answer your questions!
For this week:
- How has my lifestyle evolved since achieving financial independence and how do I spend my time?
- Updated thoughts on money and markets
- Are we putting too much faith in institutions like Vanguard?
- Can and should life insurance policies be used for retirement savings?
- Tax avoidance versus accepting higher tax rates
- What is a Simple IRA and how does it differ from a 401(k)? Can I still do Roth conversions?
- Savings rates are great! Should I pay less on my loans to maximize my savings?
- Big picture: Where do I start on getting my financial life together?
- Outreach and presentations
- So much more!
Submit Your Questions!
I solicit questions from email subscribers of this website. First, become an email subscriber here, which also includes a FREE spending and net worth tracking spreadsheet:
Once subscribed, either reply to any email or submit via the Contact Page.
Previous Q&A Posts
Your Questions Answered: Volume One
Your Questions Answered: Volume Two
Your Questions Answered: Volume 3 (Podcast)
Your Questions Answered: Volume 4 (Podcast)
Your Questions Answered: Volume 5 (Podcast)
Your Questions Answered: Volume 6 (Podcast)
QA7: Financial Freedom Fast-Tracks and Climbing Plateau Busters (Podcast)
QA8: What If We Run Out of Water? (Podcast)
QA9: What is the Point of Financial Optimization? (Podcast)
QA10: Bear Markets and Bank Failures (Podcast)
Q1: How has my lifestyle evolved since achieving financial independence and how do I spend my time? (00:02:49)
Q2: Updated thoughts on money and markets (00:05:01)
EP 62: The Great Comfort of Longevity in the Stock Market (Clipping Chains)
Q3: What if Vanguard failed?! (00:07:53)
Should I split my savings among several companies to stay diversified? (Vanguard)
SIPC: Everything You Need to Know to Protect Your Investments (CanIRetireYet)
EP 60: What You Need to Know About Financial Advisors with Chris Mamula (Clipping Chains)
Q4: Can and should life insurance policies be used for retirement savings? (00:11:56)
Life Insurance Retirement Plans (Bogleheads forum)
Life Insurance Retirement Plans (Policy Genius)
Q5: When do I stop trying to optimize my tax bracket and just let go? (00:15:30)

Q6: What is a Simple IRA and how does it differ from a 401(k)? Can I still do Roth conversions? (00:18:56)
SIMPLE IRA Withdrawal and Transfer Rules (IRS)
How Do I Roll Over a SIMPLE IRA to a Roth IRA? (Investopedia)
The Bold and Beautiful Roth Conversion Ladder (Clipping Chains)
Q7: Savings rates are great right now! Should I pay less on my loans to maximize my savings? (00:22:39)
Q8: Big picture: Where do I start on getting my financial life together?(00:26:26)
EP 16: The Boring Guide to Successful Investing (Part 1)
EP 19: The Boring Guide to Successful Investing (Part 2)
EP 28: Compound Growth: Can I Catch Up Later?
EP 66: Mike Piper: Down To The Essence Of Smart Money Management
Q9: How was your presentation at the climbing gym? Can you record it? (00:34:51)
Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life (Héctor García, Francesc Miralles)
Q10: Can you supply podcast transcripts? (00:40:27)
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