We’re back to the digital mailbag to answer your questions!
For this week:
- An update on markets and our personal finance situation
- The role of dividends in growth and withdrawal assumptions
- Expectations vs reality on a life of financial independence
- Our experience with health insurance without employer-sponsored plans
- Real estate investing: an update on our experiences and economics as remote landlords
- Health insurance considerations for long-term travel
- Short- to medium-term savings goals (like a house) versus saving for retirement
- Loss of purpose without a traditional job
- So much more!
Submit Your Questions!
I solicit questions from email subscribers of this website. First, become an email subscriber here, which also includes a FREE spending and net worth tracking spreadsheet:
Once subscribed, either reply to any email or submit via the Contact Page.
Previous Q&A Posts
Your Questions Answered: Volume One
Your Questions Answered: Volume Two
Your Questions Answered: Volume 3 (Podcast)
Your Questions Answered: Volume 4 (Podcast)
Your Questions Answered: Volume 5 (Podcast)
Your Questions Answered: Volume 6 (Podcast)
QA7: Financial Freedom Fast-Tracks and Climbing Plateau Busters (Podcast)
QA8: What If We Run Out of Water? (Podcast)
QA9: What is the Point of Financial Optimization? (Podcast)
QA10: Bear Markets and Bank Failures (Podcast)
QA11: Laying It Out in Simple Terms (Podcast)
Q1: What’s the latest on markets and your financial situation since you left your corporate career? (00:02:38)
The Great Comfort of Longevity in the Stock Market
What Comes After a Good Year in the Stock Market? (Ben Carlson, A Wealth of Common Sense)
Frugalprofessor.com for detailed monthly personal finance reports of a family of seven.
Q2: Expectations versus experiences on the financially independent life (00:16:33)
How to Discover Your Own Taste (The Ezra Klein Show, Apple Podcasts). Spotify Link Here.
Thinking, Fast and Slow (Daniel Kahneman)
Q3: Could you provide an update on your experiences and costs with ACA (Obamacare) insurance? (00:27:42)
How to Have Negative Health Insurance Costs
kff.org ACA subsidy/premium calculator
More healthcare posts here.
Q4: I’d like to hear any details you’re willing to share on your remote landlord experience (00:39:36)
This Just In: The Real Cost of Home Ownership
EP 72: Dr. Jim Dahle of the White Coat Investor on Building the Ideal Life
More real estate posts here.
Q5: My partner and I are taking a sabbatical! What should we do about insurance? (00:50:30)
EP 44: Earning to Buy Time with Meghan and Jeff (A Way to FI)
EP 64: Jeff and Priti Wright: You Might Need a Sabbatical
More healthcare posts here.
Q6: How do I prioritize retirement savings against saving for short- to medium-term savings goals, like buying a house? (00:56:20)

The CC Family Investing Strategy, Part 1: Philosophy and Asset Allocation
The CC Family Investing Strategy, Part 2: Where Exactly Is Our Money?
Should I Buy a Home? Part 2: Opportunity Cost
More investing and housing posts here.
Q7: Why are we so concerned about the loss of purpose when we stop working a traditional job? (01:04:31)
Facing the Rest of the World with a Nontraditional Lifestyle
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