Podcast Interview: Financial Independence Forum

Hi, good morning. This is not a regularly scheduled broadcast. However, I wanted to quickly let you know that I was featured on a brand-spankin’-new podcast hosted by Eugene Ting, The Financial Independence Forum.

This is a wide-ranging discussion, focused mostly on how the message of financial stability is particularly applicable to the climbing community.

On the website, I generally try and keep my climbing spray to a minimum. I attempt to make ideas more broadly applicable to other readers, limiting a bit my focus on climbing. But you can tell on this interview how important this sport is to me. And you can also tell how terrible I sound over an iPhone. The quality is totally on me — I was slow on the up-take and a podcast noob.

That’s it. Please check out the interview here, and as usual, let me know what you think. Also, I really recommend you subscribe to Eugene’s podcast. He was 100% professional, and I expect we’ll be seeing big things from his work!



Mr. CC

Remember, the best laid plans mean nothing if you can’t take action today. Have questions? Need some feedback? Hit us up on the Contact page.

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Thanks guys, see you next week.

What say you friend?