Today on episode 43 I’m happy to have Chris Weidner, a long-time Colorado Front Range local, writer, husband, and father. This conversation is special to me for unexpected reasons. I hoped to interview Chris about his career as a writer, but what emerged was something far more interesting, and admittedly, brave on Chris’s part as it relates to career and finances. Chris is shockingly frank in many aspects of this conversation in ways I couldn’t have imagined. I really thank him for that, and I hope you will enjoy this truly fascinating discussion about his life, climbing, family, and career.
Topics Discussed with Chris Weidner
- Chris and Heather’s first child, Dallas, and the fascinating origin story of his name.
- The importance of being an all-arounder in climbing, and Chris’s recent alpine ambitions
- The importance of partnership in climbing
- Early jobs to support climbing in Boulder, CO
- A transition to writing and tips for getting published
- Financial support and the unspoken reality of financial security in climbing and related careers
- The creative benefits of procrastination?
- Writing routines and balancing with the climbing life
- First ascent ambitions
- Fitting travel into a training and work schedule
- Adaptations for a new parent
- Climbing with a significant other who is equally driven
- Tips for aging climbers
- The common comfort zone blind-spots of performance climbers
- So much more!

Get in Touch with Chris Weidner
Boulder Daily Camera Author Page
Select Articles by Chris Weidner (In order of discussion)
Climbing up and looking back on the Cima Grande
Driving the “big yellow” is the best climbing job in town
Local climber tops Mt. Everest, part of first all-Black summit team
Like father like son: A Wilder climbing life
Climbers who lost their homes in the Marshall Fire thankful for community
Other Podcasts Discussed
The Cutting Edge: Chris Weidner on the Diamond of Longs Peak
The Nugget Climbing Podcast: Chris and Heather Weidner
Clipping Chains: Peter Beal: Can You Afford to be Sponsored?
Clipping Chains: Matt Samet: The Uncertain Future of Climbing Media
Open: An Autobiography (Andre Agassi)
The Push: A Climber’s Search for the Path (Tommy Caldwell)
Mustaine: A Heavy Metal Memoir (Dave Mustaine, Joe Layden)
Beyond Limits: A Life Through Climbing (Steve McClure)
Jerry Moffatt: Revelations (Jerry Moffatt, Niall Grimes)
Climbing Free: My Life in the Vertical World (Lynn Hill, Greg Child)
The Calling: A Life Rocked by Mountains (Barry Blanchard)
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft (Stephen King)
It: A Novel (Stephen King)
The Stand (Stephen King)
Clipping Chains Posts
A list of all articles and podcast episodes is here.
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