This week I decided to dig through the digital mail bag for some questions.
In this podcast episode, we take a dive on how to spend retirement money early, how to live off investment income, recommended index funds, life on the road, climbing with a significant other who doesn’t partake, taxes, spot-on recession predictions, and so much more!

Previous Q&A Posts
Your Questions Answered: Volume One
Your Questions Answered: Volume Two
Q1: What is your favorite coffee? (01:55)
13,000+ happy customers can’t be wrong. (Affiliate link below by clicking on image)
Q2: How Do I Spend Retirement Money Early? (03:05)
The Bold and Beautiful Roth Conversion Ladder
Q3: How is the 4% Rule extended over a long retirement horizon? (12:29)

Keeping the “Safe” in Safe Withdrawal Rate
Five Ways to Recession-Proof Your Life
The Long Approach to Being Scared of Investing
Q4: Is financial independence working for us? (20:00)
Q5: How do I handle health insurance? (21:35)
Is Healthcare Insurance About to Get a Lot More Expensive?!
Some Fantastic News on Healthcare Costs
How to Have Negative Health Insurance Costs
Q6: What are some recommended index funds for the long-term investor? (24:14)
The CC Family Investing Strategy, Part 1: Philosophy and Asset Allocation
The CC Family Investing Strategy, Part 2: Where Exactly Is Our Money?
Q7: Can you maintain a sense of community on the road? (30:30)
The Simple and Complicated Life on the Road
Q8: The FIRE life with a significant other who doesn’t climb. (32:54)
Q9: What was it like to transition out of full-time work? (37:30)
BREAKING: I (Sort Of) Quit My Job
A Winter in Sicily, Part 1: San Vito Lo Capo
When Being a One-Car Household Really Sucks
The Fallacy of Happiness and Meaningful Work
Selling Our House: On the Road, Pandemic Edition
Six Lessons From a Year Without a Job
Lately: Is Hope Really in the Air?
Six Important Reasons Not to Retire Early
Q10: What are the long-term impacts of climate change on financial markets? (43:24)
Sustainable Investing: Five Important Considerations
Q11: Can I get a yellow curry, #4 spicy? (46:26)
Q12: How can I get into a lower tax bracket, and should I? (47:39)
EP 5: Diana Crabtree Green: Pay Yourself First
Q13: What is your prediction on when the next recession is coming? (52:14)
Five Ways to Recession-Proof Your Life
You Know a Recession is Coming, Right?
I Have Cash! Is Now a Bad Time to Invest?!
Shocking Headlines of the 2008 Financial Crisis (And Why They Are So Important Now)
There’s No Way I’m Investing in this Economy!
The Simple Systems to Kicking Monetary Ass
Q14: What is your truck gas mileage with and without your camper in tow? (57:42)
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Fun episode. I like the format.
Thanks for that feedback!