Hello! We’re back in the digital mailbag to answer your questions.
In this Q&A episode we take a hard look at inflation, the reality of a bear market, tactics for balancing a career and climbing, saving for a home down payment, my dream interviews, the pros and cons of maxing out retirement plans, cryptocurrency, financial advisors, and traveling the world for cheap. And of course, so much more.
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Previous Q&A Posts
Your Questions Answered: Volume One
Your Questions Answered: Volume Two
Your Questions Answered: Volume 3 (Podcast)
Your Questions Answered: Volume 4 (Podcast)
Your Questions Answered: Volume 5 (Podcast)
Q1: What’s the latest on inflation? (00:02:23)

Q2: Should I be worried about the stock market decline and a bear market? (00:06:58)
New York Times, The Daily: The Claws of a Bear Market
Early Retirement Now: The Safe Withdrawal Rate Series
Q3: How did you personally balance your climbing and work? What did you feel like you prioritized more and why? Did it change over the years or seasons due to certain circumstances? (00:18:09)
The Fallacy of Happiness and Meaningful Work
Chasing Your Dreams is Probably a Bad Idea
Job Security: Our Catalyst to Financial Independence
EP 10: Mark Anderson: The Seasons of Life
Q4: Should I invest to save for a home down payment? What are other methods to save for a home? (00:35:57)
The Psychology of Money: Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness (Morgan Housel)
I Bonds: A Novel Way to Save Cash
Should I Buy a Home? Part 2: Opportunity Cost
Q5: What’s your dream interview? (00:40:41)
Dave MacLeod: Life Outside the Box, Part 1
Dave MacLeod: Life Outside the Box, Part 2
Steve Bechtel: The Importance of Time
EP 20: Steve Bechtel: The Glass is Already Broken
Mark Anderson: Fully Optimized
EP 10: Mark Anderson: The Seasons of Life
Bowling Alone: Revised and Updated: The Collapse and Revival of American Community (Robert Putnam)
Q6: Should I contribute to my 401k beyond the employer match? (00:47:53)
Automation: The Dirty Little Secret to Spending Less
EP 5: Diana Crabtree Green: Pay Yourself First
Q7: What the F is bitcoin and what do you think about it? Do you invest in bitcoin? (00:53:01)
Bitcoin and Other Things You Shouldn’t Own
Financial Advisor: Who Needs One?
The CC Family Investing Strategy, Part 1: Philosophy and Asset Allocation
The CC Family Investing Strategy, Part 2: Where Exactly Is Our Money?
Q8: Do you offer consultations or investing services for other people? (00:57:24)
Unfortunately, I do not.
Q9: What are travel rewards and how can I dramatically reduce my travel spending? (01:00:07)
Traveling Abroad: You’re Paying Too Much
Mallorca: January Adventures and the Cost to Do It
Sicily, Part 3: Two People, Two Weeks, $1,300
CC Recommends: Our preferred cards for getting started with travel rewards.
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